
Last updated: 21 November 2023

BlockWarden has a set of rules that govern project and warden participation on its bug bounty marketplace. These rules exist in addition to the rules that are listed on each bug bounty program page.

Violation of these rules can result in a temporary suspension or permanent ban from the BlockWarden website at the sole discretion of the BlockWarden team.

For wardens, this may also result in: 1) forfeiture and loss of access to bug reports, and 2) zero payout.

For projects, this may also result in: 1) being removed from the BlockWarden website, and 2) publication of this removal in the case of SLA breakage.

Please note that BlockWarden has no tolerance for spam/low-quality/incomplete bug reports, beg bounty behaviour, misrepresentation of assets and severity, and refusal to pay wardens.

These rules can be changed at any time.

Prohibited Behaviour for Wardens

Prohibited Behaviour for Projects

Behavioral Code

Scope and Enforcement

The team will take all reasonable actions to ensure the successful execution of BlockWarden’s mission and the maximum effectiveness of the project. All material in official project spaces is subject to the rules, and as such, can be deleted, modified, or rejected by the team if it is found to be in violation of the rules. In repeated or severe cases, the team may exclude users from the BlockWarden bug bounty marketplace and/or its project spaces on a temporary or permanent basis.